Tag Archives: La Boxing

I like Kicking and Punching Things!


Why my husband likes me taking Kickboxing classes. His words. “I have a smoking hot wife!”

Why my husband doesn’t like me taking kickboxing classes. When I punch him in the arm it hurts. LOL. The other day I was showing him my round kick and when my foot made contact with his back side it made a loud slapping sound. Waaap! Oops!

Boxing and Kickboxing have become one of my favorite exercise routines. 🙂 I like kicking a punching things! Don’t you?

I like to kick things

I like kicking things!

Yellow gloves

Do you like my yellow gloves?

I like punching things

I like punching things!

Some days it’s hard to motivate myself to go to class because I’m feeling a bit lazy or tired. But once I get there and start kicking and punching the sand bag with my gloves my energy goes up and I feel better.

Not all places that offer kickboxing are created equal. The first time I was introduced to kickboxing was at a Martial Arts studio my son used to take karate lessons. We wore open fingered knuckle padded gloves and kicked a soft sand bag on a stand. The second place I tried kickboxing was at a local gym offering cardio kickboxing. You did not need gloves and you did not kick anything but air.

My favorite place to take Boxing and Kickboxing class is LA Boxing in Exton. You can find me there atleast three to four times in a week. I wear real boxing gloves there! And punch the crap out of an authentic black heavy sand bag that is suspended from the ceiling. So much fun! Bad day? Go to class and get your frustrations out on the bag! Ate too much and need to look good at the pool? Burn those unwanted calories of about 800 to 1,000 in an hour! But be careful not to pig out when you get home because you will be really hungry! LOL

I quit going to the regular local gym just so I can dedicate more days at LA Boxing. What is really cool about this place is how friendly everyone is. They are like a mini family to me. They are like the “Cheers” of fitness. My very first class everyone gave me fist pounds and a “good job!” It was very cool.

I have to admit that the first class I was very uncoordinated. Now I am a pro. I am faster and stronger. It’s been about three months or so since I have joined La Boxing and I have four pack abs I swear. It is awesome! The Instructors do a lot of abdominal work in the end which I love. They do it because you need a strong core. You need a strong core for everything in life actually. It will help your posture and if you have a bad back it will help incredibly.

My friend Laura quit the regular local gym as well and kicks and punches things with me. It is good to have a work out buddy. She has lost weight since she started Kickboxing and decided to start taking a few sparring lessons in the ring.

Check out Laura’s arm definition now! You go girl!

Look at those arms!

Look at those arms!

Here are some more photos of my friend Laura at Kickboxing class. Vinny the Instructor helped us out with the photos after class.


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If you would like more information on LA Boxing and how to join. Click here. I promise you won’t be disappointed. You will trim down, lose weight, become stronger, feel less stress and have more energy!

My favorite pic of Laura

My favorite pic of Laura