Benefits of Dry Brushing

DSC_5336I started Dry Brushing about two weeks ago and have to admit that it’s pretty cool.  My skin feels so much softer now. And some how it has helped me sleep a lot better at night.

So what is Dry Brushing?  Dry brushing is a technique you can use to exfoliate dead skin cells from your body.

Why do we want to do this? The largest organ is our skin. Our skin is made up several different components which include water, protein, lipids, and many different chemicals and minerals. Here is a fun fact. The average person’s skin weighs around 6 lbs. I know, right? And your skin regenerates every 27 days. We eliminate toxins from our skin to prevent illness and disease. If our largest organ, the skin, is clogged then the toxins will eventually build up in our bodies. Here is another fun fact I stumbled upon. It is estimated that the skin eliminates over a pound of waste every day.

What do we use to dry brush? You can use a natural bristle brush with a handle or if you have super sensitive skin start with a wash cloth and work your way up to a loofah. It is important to use natural bristles not synthetic.

Here is a photo of the dry brush that I use. I purchased one with a long handle so I can reach the whole back. My back can sometimes break out in acne, having a long handle was important to me. Some people prefer smaller brushes so they have better control of the movement of the brush over the skin. It is totally up to you.


Dry Brushing

If I haven’t convinced you yet that you should add dry brushing to your daily routine then look at all these amazing benefits.

*Improves muscle tone

*Rejuvenates the nervous system

*Improves circulation (preventing varicose veins and spider veins) Very important for people who have desk jobs, who travel often, or do lots of sitting)

*Helps with lymphatic drainage (without proper lymph drainage we can have weakened immune systems and possibly cancer)

*eliminates cellulite (cellulite is toxic buildup in the fat cells)

*Better nutrient absorption

*Decreased cortisol (less stress and possibly even a better nights sleep)

*Strengthens the Immune System

How do you dry brush? It is important that you dry brush only on dry skin. I dry brush before I shower. You can also dry brush before exercising or using a sauna or steam room. You start from your feet and work your way up to the head. Now I have read different kinds of techniques and I will tell you that all of them mentioned brushing towards the heart. I use long strokes and do each part of my skin five times. Some people prefer a circular motion. I prefer the longer straight stroke towards the heart.

This is the order I brush my body parts. I start with the feet, work my way up the legs, then I will brush upward on my abdomen towards the heart. Next I start from the hands and work up my arm to the shoulders. I lightly exfoliate the chest area because my skin is sensitive there. Then I will start at the lower back and finish the dry brushing on my upper back and shoulders and neck. You should never dry brush over irritated skin or sun burn. After dry brushing I get into the shower and rinse off the dead skin cells and toxins. Again, you can use a sauna or exercise to eliminate even more toxins before showering. If I have time in the shower I do the hot/cold detox water technique. This improves the circulation, closes the pores and helps with the lymph drainage.

You must take care of your brush and wash it at least once a week and dry it in a sunny place to avoid mildew.

After you are done in the shower it is important to moisturize the skin. You can use coconut oil or a botanically based lotion. You should avoid cheap lotions with petroleum and other chemicals and fillers in them including fragrance. This can clog your skin and put more toxins back into your body. One of my favorite companies for skin care is Arbonne. You can find their products here.

I also read that it can take up to two months to see an improvement in the lymph system so be patient. Like I mentioned above, I have only been dry brushing for two weeks. But my skin has never been so soft and smooth!!! And sleeping at night couldn’t be better! I hope you found this helpful.

About andysfitnessaddiction

I am a Stay at Home Mom with my two boys. Pilates Certified. Work for a Health and Wellness Company. Into anything Health and Fitness related. My favorite workouts right now are Kickboxing and Yoga. My goal is to help people achieve better health, be happier and potentially make more money. View all posts by andysfitnessaddiction

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